Conceitos de saúde e doença e a importância da relação médico-paciente: uma análise do filme “Um Golpe do Destino”


  • Rafaella Oliveira Dias Centro Universitário de Brasília
  • Ana Luiza Briere Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB).
  • Emanuel Guimarães Cardoso Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB).
  • Luiza Novaes Carvalho Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB).
  • Rafaella Oliveira Dias Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB).
  • Carolina da Mata Oliveira Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB).
  • Maria Carolina Jorge Albernaz Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB).
  • Maria Fernanda Araujo Barbosa Lima Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB).
  • Leticia Saldanha Camargos Aires Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB).
  • Laryssa Ramos Pino de Souza Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB).
  • Larissa Rodrigues de Almeida Rego Oliveira Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB).



health, ilness, physician-patient relationship, empathy


Introduction: Health is defined as a state of complete mental, physical, and social well-being. However, humans are not merely "sets of boxes" but a unique "box" with interconnected aspects that cannot be separated. The film "The Doctor" portrays this in an intriguing manner. Objective: To discuss the differences in the perceptions of illness and the patient between the physician and the patient, as well as the importance and relevance of empathy in bridging these concepts, thereby enhancing the experience for both, in light of the film "The Doctor". Methodology: Systematic analysis of the film "The Doctor" (1991) combined with a narrative review of literature regarding perspectives on illness and its connection to the physician-patient relationship. Searches were conducted in electronic databases "PubMed" and "Scielo" using keywords ("illness" AND "doctor" AND "vision" OR "sickness" AND "empathy" AND "medical education"). Inclusion criteria focused on predefined discussion topics: the physician's view of illness, the patient's view of illness, the importance of empathy in the physician-patient relationship, and its role in medical education. Results and discussion: Dr. Jack McKee, early in "The Doctor", initially believes his role as a doctor is simply to "get in, fix, and get out" what is wrong, i.e., illness. This perspective has long characterized traditional medical concepts of illness. However, upon examining the patient's perspective on their illness, and even the doctor's implicit perspective, illness is seen not just as a lack of health but involving identity, timeline, consequences, causes, and cures. A physician-patient relationship grounded in active listening and empathy allows for addressing all these aspects, leading to better patient adherence to treatment and improved quality of life and work for both parties. Conclusion: It is essential for the physician to encompass every aspect within the patient's "box". Empathy should thus be approached to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible in expressing their concerns. In doing so, the physician also finds reward in knowing they have fulfilled their role with primacy and excellence.


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